About the four future scenarios for sexuality education
This tool kit has been developed through co-creation and iteration with teachers, parents, experts and interest organisations. The result is the four scenarios Help with Homework, Chatting around the Dinner Table, Rumours at the Playground, and The Classroom is a Safe Space - each depicting a plausible future development for sexuality education in Norway. These four immersive scenarios speculate around two main driving forces that might steer this development in different directions
We ask who might be the focus in sexual education:
A strong focus directed at the children or a cross generational focus?
We ask where it might take place:
Should it take place in the public sphere or in the comfort of the home?

Created through co-creation with teachers, parents, families, experts and interest organisations advocating for better sexuality education in Norway. We want to thank Sex og Samfunn, Unge Funksjonshemmede and Skeiv Ungdom, and all the other knowledgeable people who have contributed to this project.